
July 2019 - Release notes

July 4, 2019 Custobar news

July 2019 - Release notes

July 2019 release of Custobar contains mainly bug fixes and performance improvements in preparation for the next major feature update.

In addition to the bug fixes and performance improvements the following additions have been made to the user interface.

Email templates

Module folders

You may now organise your email templates and modules into a folder structure. Go to the Settings - Email templates and drag and drop the modules to organise them.

Default preview text

You can now define a default preview text in addition to the default text version for email templates. To do that, go to the Settings - Email templates to define a default preview text.

The preview text appears often on email clients just below the subject line on listing views.


Date picker on campaign view

You may now choose a timespan of which you would like to see events.

Customer detail


Customers viewing their loyalty card trigger now LOYALTY_CARD_OPEN event on their timelines.

Loyalty mobile card activity

Read more about our Mobile Loyalty card addon

Single value box

Single value box can now be used to show values from arrays.

For example, if you manage a pet store and have house pets configured as a list of animals, you may pick the configured list as the key for a single value box. The box will then attempt to show a list of enclosed pets' names from the enclosed fields label, name and id, respectively.

B2B: Company membership

Added a new card for customer detail view, which lists the other members of a company that the customer belongs to.