
Customer data platform

Collect and combine customer data from any source in Custobar. Our easy-to-use tools help you segment customers and find audiences that are significant to your business, like most valuable customers, or customers who have showed interest towards certain products.

Customer data platform

Customer 360° view

Custobar collects all customer data that is scattered across different systems into one single, unified, and easy to understand 360° customer view. And not just from your website and eCommerce, but also from brick-and-mortar locations as well.

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Mobile Loyalty Card

Custobar has developed a state-of-the-art solution for providing the consumers a mobile loyalty card.

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In-store UI

Redefine the point of sale (POS or ERP) with our In-Store UI. Perfect also for customer service and call centers.

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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Drive business growth and improve overall customer experience with customer satisfaction survey.

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Audiences and customer segmenting

The benefits of Custobar’s audience and customer search are twofold. You can create a laser-sharp target audience for your current marketing messages or deepen your understanding of your customer behaviour.

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Flow enables you to build a visual customer journey with customer touchpoints that trigger automated interactions between your brand and your customer.

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RFM Matrix

Recency-Frequency-Monetary value model removes the guesswork from segmentation.

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Data in & out (data imports and exports)

Custobar integrates with other systems within minutes via real time and data protected APIs. Maintain good data quality and utilise your customer data easily outside Custobar.

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