How to filter customer search results by date?

Are you looking for customers who bought a particular product from you last week? Or customers who haven't read your emails in the past six months? In Custobar, it is easy to search for customers who did something specific and filter by date.

For example, you can find out how many times your customers bought a specific product in a given time frame, or you can create a search of customers who subscribed to your newsletter within the last day.

In this example, we create an audience of customers who have bought a specific product between September 1st and September 30th. Go to the Customers view from the top navigation bar.

First, we choose the “Bought a product” - search, select the products we are interested in, and after that, we choose the dates for the time frame by clicking on the calendar icon.

Selecting an exact date

After creating the search, you can still modify it by clicking on the date in the search block and choosing the exact dates.

Date in search block

Now, let’s say that we would like to search for customers who bought the specific product within the last seven days.

Instead of choosing the exact date, we choose the tab “Relative date” and set the number of days we want to look into the past. You can even decide that the search extends to start from midnight seven days ago by ticking the box midnight.

Relative date

We also choose "Relative date" in the second date field and select "Now", indicating that the time frame for the search ends at this moment in time, but is not fixed to any certain date or time.

Relative date

If you save a search where you have used the relative date, the audience automatically updates without modifying it.

You can also use the "Custom" relative date search for defining any moment in time (past or future).

Relative date custom


Here we're choosing the custom relative moment in time to be 3 months ago:

Relative date settings


Newsletter subscription within the last 24 hours:

Newsletter subscription

Newsletter subscribtion search block

The customer was last active six months ago:

Active customer

Active customer search block

The customer was last active over 12 months ago:

Active over 12 months ago

Active over 12 months ago search block

You can even also create more search blocks that allow tighter searches with your chosen criteria. Read here to learn more about search blocks.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at