
Pentik - The perfect opening

Pentik - The perfect opening

Pentik, one of Finland’s most beloved design brands, uses Custobar to bridge the gap between face-to-face retail encounters and online customer behaviour. If only every multi-channel campaign were this effective.

Take a look at the video to see how Pentik planned an opening event for their latest retail store, using customer data to find the ideal guests and contact them in the way they’d pay most attention to.

Intuitive and effective

Putting together a great campaign couldn’t be simpler. Recipient selection, mailing lists, printing and sending (both electronically and by post) are all automated by Custobar.

  1. Customers who live nearby are selected
  2. The results are narrowed down to regulars who visit the brand’s shops frequently
  3. Pentik targets those who have responded well to emails in the past
  4. For those who don’t engage with email, postal invitations are sent
  5. Sales conversions are followed after the event for both online and retail sales

Visit Pentik.com

If you have further questions how this could affects your business and want to hear more about Custobar, don’t hesitate to contact us.