
Action recommended: Tighter API access security

February 8, 2023 Custobar news

Action recommended: Tighter API access security

We’re tightening the security of API access in Custobar. We are introducing personal, temporary API keys, and scoping API keys for integrations becomes mandatory.

Your existing API keys will keep working

We recommend replacing the old keys with new keys for security reasons. The new API keys for integrations are more secure thanks to the mandatory scoping, and the personal keys thanks to being valid for a maximum of 8 hours.


The changes to the API keys management will become available in all Custobar environments during Feb 20-23, 2023, after which you can start creating keys in a new way. In other words, you can see the changes latest on Feb 24, 2023. A user guide and screenshots of the new UI are already available on our website.

If you have any questions about the change, please read through the user guide, and if necessary, get in touch with

Does this concern me?

API keys are unique identifiers used to authenticate and identify access between systems, for example, Custobar and your ERP.

The recommendation to update your API keys concerns you if you have active API keys in use in your integrations, datasources or datatargets. How to find my existing API keys?

If unsure, we recommend forwarding this information to your technical partner or the person responsible for getting data in and out of Custobar.