
Just out! Find Custobar in Magento Marketplace

Just out! Find Custobar in Magento Marketplace

Great news for you who are looking for a CRM, email marketing or a marketing automation tool for Magento eCommerce! We’ve connected many happy Custobar clients with their Magento stores, and now you, too, can find Custobar’s integration for Magento in the Github (coming back to Magento Marketplace soon!).

Custobar Customer Data and Marketing Automation Platform integration for Magento eCommerce

With the integration, you can automatically synchronize your customers, products and sales data from your Magento eCommerce platform to Custobar, a Customer Data and Marketing Automation Platform, in real-time.

So, Custobar is much more than just a CRM, email marketing or marketing automation tool in one! It’s CDP features help you unlock the power of your customer data from Magento eCommerce, brick'n'mortar stores, loyalty programs, other online services - or any other source of data you have.

Book a demo with us and let's boost your Magento eCommerce business!