
What’s up with Custobar in February 2022? UX!

What’s up with Custobar in February 2022? UX!

To put it short and sweet, we’ve made a few user experience improvements to Custobar and might have some more in our back pocket for the future months 🤫

What’s your pet peeve (something that you find especially annoying) when it comes to Custobar? Fill in this form to make a difference in what improvements we’ll prioritise. And, of course, we'd love to hear about the things you’re happy with, too.

The Email Template Switcheroo

Templates in Custobar define, for example, the language and currency of the featured products.

Up till this day, if you wanted to copy an email campaign and change its language, let's say offer great deals in French AND Dutch, you were up the 💩 creek with no paddle. Better get up early and start from scratch 🌅

We heard you, and now you can finally switch a draft email's template to a different one. Huzzah!

With a click of a button, you can change the template for a draft or a copy of a draft, which allows you to quickly and easily duplicate campaigns with the pre-configured rules of different templates.

Just hit the Switch template button in the drop-down menu:

Pick your desired template:

Click Switch and you’re done! Easy!

How about an online date, new Custobar user?

At these socially deprived times, would it not be nice to meet up with someone smart, cultured and learn a few things from each other? Custobar’s Product Owner Chadi is looking forward to meeting new Custobar users online and training you on some fundamental secrets! To set up a free of charge training date with Chadi, send a message to

Onboarding Custobar in the 1800s vs now

We decided it’s best to explain the difference between Custobar’s old onboarding view and the new view with an illustration. Here it is. We’re not saying our old onboarding was terrible; the times were just different.

It is, of course, Custobar’s new clients as well as partner’s helping clients who get to enjoy the updated onboarding experience. Our 30-day free trial is up for grabs online for those interested.

If you have a Custobar test environment and would like to look at the new Onboarding wizard, go to Settings > Features > onboarding_tutorial > Enable. The wizard will appear on your Custobar dashboard, and clicking the Custobar logo will take you there.

By land, air and sea By mail, SMS and email

Development is developing, as we accurately like to put it in Finland. You can now send Mobile Loyalty Cards to your customers by ✨ email ✨ in addition to mail and SMS.

If you’re wondering what the heck we are talking about: Custobar’s Mobile Loyalty Card add-on is a brilliantly easy way to identify your customers in stores. People who read the emails would really like to demo it to you if you’re interested in knowing who your customers in brick-and-mortar stores are.

If you do know what the heck we are talking about, aka your company already has the Mobile Loyalty Card add-on in use, and you’d like to enable sending those out by email as well, get in touch with